'Prometheus' debuts new Charlize Theron, Michael Fassbender pictures

A new set of promotional images from Prometheus have been unveiled.

Ridley Scott's science fiction blockbuster released the new stills in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, which goes on sale today (May 11).

Cast members Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron and Noomi Rapace feature in the images, which see the Prometheus crew exploring the distant planet LV-223.

Prometheus Charlize Theron

Prometheus Noomi Rapace

Prometheus was recently granted a 15 certificate uncut in the UK, while the blockbuster will be rated R in the US.

Scott recently admitted that he wanted his movie to generate as much box office revenue as possible, even if it meant sacrificing an 18 certificate.

"The studios wrestle constantly with these ridiculous adjustments to whether it's PG-13, PG-15, R, double R and it does, to a certain extent, affect the box office," he said.

"It's how they get their money back. And if studios don't get their money back, we don't have any movies."

Prometheus Michael Fassbender

Prometheus Charlize Theron, Michael Fassbender and Noomi Rapace

Watch the latest Prometheus trailer below:
