Charlize Theron Commends Kristen Stewart For Being 'Authentic'

For two people who seem so different, Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron have great offscreen chemistry. In our "MTV First: Snow White and the Huntsman," they made each other laugh with their comments and played off each other's answers like when Stewart described Theron in three words, saying, "I want you," and Theron replied, "You got it," and spread her legs apart.

When MTV News' Josh Horowitz caught up with the "Young Adult" actress, she chalked up their friendship to the age-old "opposites attract" phenomenon, saying that what specifically attracts her to Stewart is her genuine personality.

"The first thing I noticed about her was when she says 'I don't give a f---,' she means that," Theron said. "She's not just trying to be cool. She's not trying to be edgy. She's very, very authentic, and that's what I like about her."

The two actresses star in an original adaptation of the classic fairy tale "Snow White," which follows the princess as she fights alongside the Huntsman to reclaim her kingdom from the evil Queen Ravenna. The film hits theaters June 1, and Theron got to know Stewart as they worked on the project together.

"I think that there's an incredible girl there," Theron said. "And I like that she's so different because I think that it's authentic and there's nothing I despise more than people trying to be something that they're not. And all these, kind of, quirks that she has, they're authentic to who she is and she's not putting it on, she's not trying to do it. She's just really who she is."

While the "Twilight" actress has received bad press in the past when people mistook her timid nature for rudeness or conceit, her co-star had nothing but praise for her character.

"You k! now, a l ot of people at that age can still be [finding themselves]. And of course she's still going to be finding herself in certain [ways], but I'm pretty impressed with where she is already at her very young age," Theron said. "And I have so much respect for someone who can just authentically be themselves."

Check out everything we've got on "Snow White and the Huntsman."

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