Charlize Theron watches TV while feeding son

People News

Jun 1, 2012, 4:01 GMT

Charlize Theron and son Jackson

Charlize Theron and son Jackson

Charlize Theron watches 'Game of Thrones' while feeding her son.

The 36-year-old 'Prometheus' actress revealed that she is 'somewhat obsessed' with the show and takes the opportunity to catch up when she giving adopted son Jackson his bottle.

She told Us Weekly: 'I'm absolutely foaming at the mouth with Game of Thrones,' she told Us. 'I cannot get enough of that.

'When my son came in to my life that was our bottle feeds because I couldn't watch television and I slept so little. And that was my TiVo feed every two hours watching 'Game of Thrones'.'

She admitted that when she brought the child home in March, her mother questioned her parenting skills because of the series.

She continued: 'And my mum was like, 'Do you think it's fine that you're feeding your son while there's sword fights?' I was like, 'It's fine, mum. It's fine.' So, yeah, I'm somewhat obsessed with that right now.'

Theron also thinks it's fine to continue using her potty mouth around Jackson.

She admitted that her children's literary choices are also rather controversial.

She told MTV News: 'A lot of people have sent me these children's books, and there's this amazing book, a best-seller called Go the F**k to Sleep. 'This book was good for me because it made me realize that I don't need to judge myself right now.'
