Charlize stars in spoof sex tape

Charlize Theron has mocked celebrities who have made their own sex tapes by 'leaking' a joke tape on website

The Oscar-winning actress appears in a video supposedly hacked from her phone, which shows her torturing men dressed in bondage outfits in her bedroom and mocking socialites Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, who have both had sex tapes leaked on the internet.

Charlize, 36, teases at the beginning of the video: "I hope nobody sees this, nobody's supposed to see this!"

"Move over Paris and Kim, because I'm into some really kinky s***."

The Snow White And The Huntsman star appears in a second video, in which she responds to her phone hackers.

Charlize jokes: "Many have wondered if this content is in fact real and from my personal phone. The answer is yes, these are authentic Charlize Theron cell phone videos and I am extremely disappointed in the Funny or Die corporation's violation in my trust.

"Of course I am not alone. Many of my fellow actresses have had compromising materials leaked.

"This website is an enemy to smokin' hot actresses everywhere. Let this be a warning."

The prank video follows a recent court case in which a man pleaded guilty to hacking the phones of stars including Christina Aguilera and Scarlett Johansson and leaking nude pictures online.
