Charlize Theron Praises Kristen Stewart's 'Lovely' Qualities

Charlize Theron may be Kristen Stewart's archnemesis in the forthcoming "Snow White and the Huntsman," but in real life, her feelings about the "Breaking Dawn" star are far more warm and fuzzy.

"She just turned 21," said Theron, who plays the Evil Queen in the film, about her young co-star in a Vogue interview. "She's a child.

"When I think about myself at 21," the actress said, recalling her own early days in Hollywood, "I had just done 'The Devil's Advocate,' and [co-star] Keanu [Reeves] had paparazzi following him, and Al Pacino said this thing to me: 'If I knew that my life would be under this kind of scrutiny, I would have never become an actor.' And I thought, 'Wow.' I couldn't comprehend it."

Theron went on to tell the magazine that Stewart is handling life in the public eye with grace. "Kristen is just living this to the max and still has a sense of humor about it. There's this really lovely quality about her that just doesn't give a f---," she said. "A lot of people say they don't, but then they go home and cry and pop a Xanax. Kristen actually doesn't give a f---. That's what's so refreshing about her."

Of course, given her role as Snow White's foe in next year's "SWATH," Theron is enjoying how differently their onscreen relationship will play out. "I'm looking forward to killing her and taking her beauty," the actress joked. "That's what happens, right?"

On Monday night at the red-carpet premiere in Los Angeles for "Breaking Dawn - Part 1," Snow White herself opened up to MTV Ne! ws about her highly anticipated flick, in which she plays a sword-wielding version of the classic fairy tale heroine.

"I'm so enigmatic. You'll [have to] see," Stewart told us, before teasing about doing a British accent, "It's not so easy! I would need to drop into character and I have no time to build!"

Check out everything we've got on "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1." and "Snow White and the Huntsman."

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