Charlize Theron, 36, single for the first time

Charlize Theron

Out of her "comfort zone" ... Charlize Theron gives single life a try.

Charlize Theron likes being single for the first time in her adult life.

The Oscar winning actress tells the December issue of Vogue magazine this is the "first time" she's been unattached since she was nineteen.

She used to go from one relationship to another - some within a month - saying she found a "comfort zone" being monogamous.

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Theron, 36, dated actor Stuart Townsend for almost 10 years before their break-up in 2010.

She says she pulled back on her career as an effort to save the union when the relationship began to go downhill.

"It was sinking, and I had to give it a fight. I really wanted to try and make it work. That was the priority. I wouldn't do it any different way...," she told the magazine.

But when the relationship ended Theron was ready to get back to work with the romantic comedy Young Adult written by Diablo Cody and directed by Jason Reitman.

"I'd gotten out of a relationship and I was in this really floaty place. My feet weren't touching the ground. I just kind of turned to (director Jason Reitman) and was like, 'I feel like me again'.

"It's (being single) been good for me. I'm a creature who's really found her comfort zone in relationships."

