No 'Mad' Mel Cameo

No 'Mad' Mel Cameo

With production of the Mad Max reboot (rumored to be titled Mad Max: Fury Road) finally getting underway with Tom Hardy taking over the lead role, and Charlize Theron riding sawed-off shotgun, the big question about the reboot remains: Will OG Mad man Mel Gibson make a cameo?

Mel Gibson - Funny or Die?

Well, at this weekend's Angels at Risk charity benefit, Mel gave E! Online the straight dope.

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"Nope. I've got nothing to do with it. [Director] George [Miller], he's filming in Namibia or something," he told the site. But don't take that to mean a little pop-up spot couldn't be squeezed in if all the players came to an agreement.

Tom Hardy - Before Bane

"It would be fun to fly to Namibia and be a snake in the background or something," Gibson said. "I think it's going to be great. George is a genius."

Maybe smart enough to know that keeping Gibson out of the picture is in the reboot's best interest?

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