Charlize Theron tells popular crowd at former school to 'Suck it!'

Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron has hit back at the people who made her feel unwelcome at school.

The actress, who stars in low-budget comedy Young Adult, revealed that she wasn't part of the 'in' crowd because of her academic look.

She said: "I wasn't necessarily a part of that group, where girls were happy to have me in the popular group. I had these big nerdy round glasses that I cannot believe my mother sent me to school with.

"I mean seriously. It just made every boy not look at me."

But Theron claimed her revenge on her fellow pupils her by blasting them in an interview for her new film.

She continued: "It's interesting because I've just recently rediscovered the popular girl in my school.

"She is living in some little dopey city now. I don't know exactly all the details but I was thinking to myself: 'I bet she has moments like Mavis [the character she plays in Young Adult], where she has a pang of nostalgia for her shiny days in school'."

Theron added: "So suck it popular girl who did not want me to sit next to you at your school bench and made me cry. Suck it!"

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