Charlize Theron loves being 36 and wants to avoid Botox

Charlize Theron on a Terry Richardson shoot for Vanity Fair

Charlize Theron on a Terry Richardson shoot for Vanity Fair

She is loving life as a single girl. And since splitting from British actor Stuart Townsend in 2010, Charlize Theron has been in no hurry to get back into the dating game.

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But for her latest role, in Young Adult, she plays Mavis Gary, an alcoholic writer who returns to her hometown to ensnare her high school sweetheart, who is now married with a child. And she stops at nothing to get her man.

Our film reviewer David Edwards awarded it 4 out of 5 and wrote: "Reuniting the writer and director of Juno, its every bit the indie treat youd expect and every bit as much fun as the earlier film.

"While Young Adult has the same look and vibe as Juno, it differs in one very significant way, namely that the central character is a delusional and self-regarding grade-A madam.

Not that this makes Young Adult any less enjoyable. Go see. Squirmingly funny."

Monochrome set: Charlize Theron in Vanity Fair

* Charlize does a photo shoot with Terry Richardson for Vanity Fair - see the smoking hot pictures

Here, South African Charlize, 36, tellsus how she spends her nights alone and why she is back in the acting business after a three-year gap.

So where have you been for the last few years?

On my couch. With potato chips! Unemployed. No... it sounds like that, but I was actually working on my production company. I just wasnt infront of the camera.

Why did you go for this character in Young Adult?

Well, I thought the things Mavis did were pretty despicable, but not to the point where I was disgusted with her. I never had a hard time not liking her.

I would love to go and have a beer with her but I would never let her hang out with my boyfriend! I found her fascinating.

When I read the script I got the idea of a woman dealing with very common mid-to-late thirties issues.

Women can really relate to that. Because of how she went through life, Mavis is dealing with them the way a 16 year old would. I thought thatwas really fascinating.

Charlize Theron on a Terry Richardson shoot for Vanity Fair

Charlize in a blazer for the Vanity Fair shoot

Do you think its ever a good idea to look up an old lover, and in this case a married one, like your character does?

I dont know if its a good or bad thing. Ive not done that. Not if t! heyre ma rried, right?

Were you anything like Mavis in high school? Did you ever experience any mean girl moments back then?

I was pretty much a mess after primary school. There was a really popular girl in my school and I was obsessed with her. Youd go to jail for that stuff today!

I was actually in tears one day because I couldnt sit next to her.Then three weeks ago Im in London shooting a film. I was in a fitting and this girl goes, Oh, I know Charlize.

And it was the girl that f***** me up in primary school, who now lives a kind of sad life.

Charlize Theron plays Mavis Gary in Young Adult

Charlize Theron as Mavis Gary in Young Adult

Did you have any crushes?

I wasnt really in the popular crowd. I went to art school, where I was obsessed with ballet and I wore really nerdy glasses. I was blind as could be and boys dont really like big nerdy glasses.

Did you ever go back to your hometown after getting famous?

Ive gone back several times. I walked through the house I grew up in and everything felt so small. And Im still in touch with one of my high school girlfriends almost every day.

Have you got to that stage of your career now where you worry less about looking glamorous or stunning?

Well, this is what I wake up with every morning so Id better be comfortable with it. But youre right. When I was younger I felt I had to prove to everybody I could do the job.

Are you afraid of ageing?

I am 36 and loving it. I wouldnt want to go back to my twenties. Some people have Botox and thats great. But hopefully Ill be OK without it.

Young Adult is out today.

charlize theron , young adult
