Charlize Theron talks about her 'effortless friendship' with Kristen Stewart

Is there a lady equivalent of a bromance? A femance? Hmmmm, sounds too much like something you might find on the feminine hygiene aisle.

How about a sismance? Doesnt quite work, but we could swear someone at work bought some special cream for those once.

Well, whatever you want to call it it seems we have some new BFFs on our hands: Charlize Theron and Kristen Stewart!

Charlize just cant stop gushing about her new mate. Speaking to E! the actress said:

"We met on a plane going to Comic-Con, and you know when you meet someone and it's effortless? It was instantly amazing."

Ok, so we are dead chuffed they are best buds but we just want to know why the hoot two of Hollywoods most glamorous women were off to Comic-Con, possibly the geekiest event in the geek calendar.

However, back to their amazing connection and all that, Charlize continued:

"We couldn't shut up. The plane landed and they were like, 'Get off the plane' and we were going on and on."

And lucky for the chatty pair, they both landed roles in Snow White and the Huntsman, meaning they could spend all sorts of time together. Hoorah!
