Charlize Theron isn't worried about career longevity

She told Los Angeles Confidential magazine: "I don't know if I feel I'm here to stay, but that's a good thing. That keeps you on your toes. I think this is an industry where you can't get too comfortable. It's constantly churning with great talent, and you've got to raise the bar and try to push yourself. I don't ever want to kind of feel, 'Yeah, I'm here. I made it.' I think that would probably be the time to retire."

Charlize also credited her Oscar winning career to her "tenacity", revealing she doesn't "half ass anything".

She explained: "There's a great tenacity when I tackle something, and I don't half ass anything. When I work, I work really, really hard. And I think that - combined with the people who believe in me - has been really a great blessing."
