Charlize Theron is thundercat exerciser
Charlize Theron is a thundercat when it comes to her exercise regime says her personal trainer. The Hollywood actress model physique is partly down to genes but she also works hard with trainer-to-the-stars Fedele De Santis. The fitness expert has worked with the likes of Jessica Biel, Cameron Diaz and Eva Mendes and says that Charlize is dogged in her approach to keeping in good condition. Charlize is an extremely serious, focused, professional, no BS, balls-to-the-wall client, Fedele told Shape magazine. Shes so tenacious my nickname for her is thundercat! Fedeles advice to get a figure to rival Charlizes is to be very particular when doing exercises. Make sure your grip for every exercise is narrow, he said. A wide grip makes the muscles grow wide and your body more masculine. He also advised to lower calories slowly when embarking on a new healthy eating programme and focus on proteins, vegetables and dark-coloured fruits and greens. A lot of women make the mistake of changing the...