Charlize Theron rushes to aid guard having a seizure before the Oscars

Charlize Theron had a bit of her own drama before the Oscars. When a security guard fell victim to a seizure, the Snow White and the Huntsman actress rushed to his aid.

The Examiner reports Theron and several others were present when the security guard became ill at the Dolby Theater before the program began. Theron was seen trying to help the security guard while someone else called 911.

E! News confirmed the incident, stating the man collapsed while Theron was walking on the red carpet. The actress, not concerned with her fancy gown, tried to help him up.

Theron reportedly did not let this affect her performance at the Oscars. Once onstage, she performed a dance number with Magic Mike actor, Channing Tatum.

After the awards show, Theron did not mention anything about the ill security guard. She only discussed her performance, claiming that she did not know how big of a dance number she was going to do, according to OMG! Yahoo.

Theron stated, "I was sort of tricked into it. I thought it was going to be something smaller, like he (MacFarlane) pulls me up from the audience and we do a little spin. But then he was was like, 'Rehearsals start Monday!'"

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