Matt Smith: Charlize Theron would make a kick-ass female Doctor

Matt Smith, Doctor WhoGirl power: Current Doctor Matt Smith (Picture: Getty)

Charlize Theron, Doctor Who12th Doctor?: Charlize Theron (Picture: Getty)

Smith revealed that while there are many actresses that could take on the role, he settled on Theron because of her fierce attitude.

Smith said: So many [actresses] could play her. It depends on what age you would want.

'Charlize Theron is pretty kick ass, isnt she? They just have to find a brilliant actress.

'It would change the role because she would be a woman so when you put her in a room full of men, its a different scenario than if you put a man in a room full of men, because shes a different sex.

Matt went on to say that a female Doctor would open up the possibility of her having a Doctor baby which could make things interesting, but added that gender-swapping the Doctor is not likely to happen.

I never see that happening any time soon to be honest, he said. I dont think it will happen. And Im not turning into a woman.

Speaking to website The Mary Sue, Matt divulged some details about the new companions impact on the Doctor in the new series, describing her as having a big effect on the time traveller.

I think its something that weve got to wait and see because we have to see what happens with the fall of the Ponds but absolutely thats going to have a big effect on him.

'And interestingly, when he meets a new companion, I think whats so exciting about this show is it gets to change him as a central character.

His comments come at a time when speculation was rife as to whether or not Matt would be staying with the show when the newest series came to an end. Sin! ce then, BBC executives have denied Smiths departure.
