Charlize Theron and Michael Fassbender Steam Up W

Prometheus co-stars Charlize Theron and Michael Fassbender are displaying some crazy hotness in the August issue of W Magazine.

Charlize Theron and Michael Fassbender Steam Up W

W Magazine

The two have a natural chemistry that seeps through their conversations. On answering what they think is harder to do, a sex scene or a death scene, heres their exchange:

theron-fassbender2Theron: It depends on who youre doing the sex scene with. I dont have issues being naked [pauses]. That sounds very slutty.

Fassbender: Kind of. I didnt want to say anything, but yes.

Theron: What I mean is, Im not hung up on my body, and Ive been lucky to work with people Ive been really comfortable with. Ive had maybe two occasions where

Fassbender: Its been uncomfortable.

Theron: And Michaels one of the two who did not make me feel very comfortable [laughter].

Fassbender: I was a robot!

Read their entire interview at and watch the behind-the-scenes clips!
