Charlize Theron to produce and possibly star in film about slain war reporter

Article on war reporter Marie Colvin inspires the film

The Young Adult star signed on to produce a project on war reporter Marie Colvin, who died in Syria this year, with Basil Iwanyks (The Town) production company.

The film was inspired by the article Marie Colvins Private War featured in Vanity Fair and written by Marie Brenner.

Whether or not Theron will star in the film is still uncertain, as of now Collider can only confirm that she is working on Iwanyks production team to find a writer to adapt the article featured in Vanity Fair.

Speaking of writers, this is not the first time Brenners articles have led to the production of a movie. Director Michael Mann adapted her piece The Man Who Knew Too Much for the film The Insider.

The Hollywood Reporter informed readers that the American reporter Colvin was in Syria covering the civil war when she died earlier this year in February. Colvin specialized in Middle East affairs and wrote articles for the British newspaper The Sunday Times.

Colvin was known as a relentless reporter that focused her efforts on bringing the gruesome and violent images she saw to the peoples attention.

image: NBC
